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    Learner motivation, time and interest in new or more used languages in the world has not anything to do with the specific area of study or work. For example, somebody will like to do a postgraduate course in engineering or chemistry in some prestigious university in the United States of America. The first requirement for such a postgraduate candidate is the knowledge of English. That mean’s that such a people should have a great motivation and interest to learn the English, because such a knowledge is fundamental for the development of his courses. On the same way, the time available for doing the English courses should be that necessary for understand and master the language.
    Business learners, have the need or urgent need to communicate with their pares located in other countries. The ability to communicate is directly related to the chance to do and conduct business. That mean that business men need to know and master the business language. Also, for these peoples, the time, motivation and interest is driving by the need to stablish communication and conduct business with other countries.
    So, the motivation, time or interest in language of business learners should be similar to other professions.

    Chris Aguilar

    Business Learners differ from other learners in the following ways:

    -Motivation: Most adult learners tend to be more motivated in comparison to young learners who might be forced to take a course by their parents. Business learners may understand the positive implications the courses may have in their careers.

    -Time: From personal experience, business learners have less time to do extra-curricular studies. Homework is often discouraged based on their busy work schedules. In comparison, young learners and some adults are given more homework or extra work to do outside of class.

    -Interest in languages: Most business students are very interested in learning a new language.

    Vanessa Esquerre

    Let’s see each point step by step.
    MOTIVATION: Business students or corporate clients have a different motivation than regular students. These are adults and their motivation is extrinsic. To learn another language is for them to have an external reward: salary increase, personal validation by third parties, praise, etc.
    TIME: In this aspect, time is limited. It is important that the trainer plans the sessions according to the student’s profession. There is no need for homework or extracurricular taks that could harm them, rather than help them because of the short time they have.
    INTEREST IN THE LANGUAGE: The interest these students have is related to their profession. In this way, the path to professional and personal improvement is opened.

    Fabio Provenzano

    In business English classes, it is important for learners to pay attention to the purpose of attending these classes. Why they attend these classes and why they want to learn English. I think the goal here is not separate from motivation, and everyone’s motivation is to achieve the goal for which they attend classes. Time is of the essence for all participants. Because each participant has their own business opportunity and the use of language serves their goals and motivations. Each of them may not have much time, so each class should be held in a completely coherent and planned manner and should be similar to the life text of the participants in the class. Therefore, the teaching method should be such that in addition to creating interest for the learners, it also approaches their goal and instills in them a sense of success.

    Mario Schiavelli

    Business learners are very focused on achievements in a short time and their motivation can be intrinsic (when they see opportunities for progress in their careers) or extrinsic (when their jobs force them to learn another language). The time factor is very important for them since they are generally very busy people. Interest in new languages ​​will depend on the usefulness and benefit they can bring to their careers.

    Claudia Gentile

    Business learners differ in some aspects from regular learners. Among these aspects is motivation. Business learners’ motivation focuses on their jobs since the main reason they are learning a new language is for them to perform better at their job tasks and also be able to communicate with foreign colleagues. Moreover, their time to learn a new language is very limited as they are likely to be very busy at work so it is possible that they do not have much time during the week to focus on language learning. As well as their time is limited, the business learners’ interest in languages might be limited too due to the fact that they are learning a new language with just a solid motivation: work.

    Elka Santibañez

    Business learners motivation differ from others because they have a more financial purpose, to stand out in this competitive world. If the business learner is focused on excelling in business, in this case
    Business English communication skills are essential for getting ahead at work. Improving their professional business vocabulary and knowledge will help them work more effectively and open up new career opportunities.
    According to time, the faster it is the better. Time is more valuable than gold, which is why a Business learner seeks to reach their goals in a short time but with great effectiveness.
    English is recognized as the most internationally popular language, which makes it the most dominant language in the business world. Even if a business learner has a good level of basic English, learning business English will give them the chance to demonstrate a wider professional vocabulary which can result in new opportunities in their career.

    Antonio Alvarado

    Los estudiantes de negocios estudian porque necesitan el idioma, por lo tanto están más motivados y determinados , y siempre cooperan para que las lecciones tengan éxito. Un aspecto negativo podría ser la falta de tiempo que a veces tienen esas personas por motivos laborales y la mayoría de las veces priorizan el trabajo y dejan las clases de idiomas en segundo plano.

    Ludovica Masia

    Business learners do differ from other learners, at least partially. They are not necessarily more motivated than other types of learners, but they come to class with clear objectives and expectations: they are driven by specific (extrinsic) motivational factors such as professional development and financial rewards, therefore they are likely to commit and try to get the most out of the learning experience. Business learners can be highly motivated and eager to learn, since they often have extensive knowledge of their field but are unable to express themselves effectively in a foreign language.
    Some business learners might be truly interested in expanding their language skills and might enjoy the learning process per se, becoming emotionally engaged. However, this is not always the case, and many learners might take a more pragmatic approach, considering language lessons simply as a mandatory assignment to complete in order to achieve something. It is up to the trainer to build engaging and tailored lesson plans according to the needs.
    With regard to time issues, business learners can come to class with tight deadlines and time pressure, expecting to follow a strict schedule and thus to achieve their language goals as quickly as possible. Trainers should attempt to meet their learners’ needs as much as possible, in order to make them perceive the relevance of each lesson and ultimately to help them succeed. Because of their jobs and routines, business learners might also have less time to dedicate to autonomous study: for this reason, it is important to make the best use of time while in class.

    Kathryn Campbell

    Business students are different from other students as they are more mature and therefore have more life experiences which makes discussions easier and more interesting. They are able to focus more in class as they have self-discipline so they work with a sense of purpose and don´t waste time. They probably all know the saying: “Time is money” and have found this to be true! Business students are also more goal orientated and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals and happily, this applies to their language studies as well. Furthermore, as their courses are tailored towards business, the course will be more interesting for them.
    Motivation is very high in business students as the reason they are studying with us is to improve their language to benefit them in their work. This is advantage to both them, and their companies. They may have overseas clients who they need to speak to, or perhaps they travel overseas for meetings, conventions, trade fairs etc. Some business students need to have a certain qualification in order to get promotion, or even move to another country. Whatever their reason for joining us is, it is always good motivation for them to study.
    Time can be a problem for business students. I have found that generally, once they have committed to attending class at a certain time, they arrive punctually and regularly. One of the problems is when something is going on at work that they have to attend to, being responsible adults, they have to do that instead of coming to class. Another time problem is the issue of doing homework as business students have many more responsibilities to take care of, usually with families at home, and so there isn´t always the time to do homework. However, I have seen some business students arriving for class, saying they didn´t have time to do their homework, and then doing it there and then. This ability to knuckle down and do the work is one of the best and unique characteristics of the business student.


    Business learners differ from other learners and, to understand this, we have to take into consideration different factors. First of all, their motivation is related to objectives that are not the same as the ones of the other students. They learn the language in order to reach specific goals, usually set by the company they work for or to satisfy specific needs, for example to be able to communicate during business trips abroad or with foreign partners or colleagues. This is the reason why also their interest in the language is usually different from the interest of other learners. Business learners, indeed, are more likely to learn the language by studying specific vocabulary and expressions belonging to the particular business sector or field they work for. Finally, business learners usually have less time than other learners, because, as they work all day, they need to optimize the time they spend to learn the language and, if they have a specific deadline, they will have the necessity to reach their goal by the set date.

    Mobina Shams

    Business learners differ from others in the motivation they have. For example, learners have different motivations like immigration. But business learners are motivated to learn a language because they most likely need it for their job, business affairs, or business trips. Therefore, what they aim to learn may be different too. They migth want to focus more on the vocbualary that is more relevant to their goals. In terms of time, their time might be limited if they are trying to learn the material in a short amount of time in order to meet their goals. Business learners’ interest in languages may differ but English is usually known as the “universal” language of business. It is also the universal language of aviation, so those who want to be pilots or be involved in the aviation specialty, could also be those who enrol as business learners.

    Bettina Gröber

    The most important specific of business learners should be their characteristic motivation – in most cases assumingly more instrumental than integrative.
    Business learners want do come to a better language performance or learn a new language in order to have better chances concerning their career or because a job requires specific language skills.
    Furthermore, their is the need to understand and adequately use a special business language in many fields – mostly this should be English, but it is also possible that other languages are relevant, for example for clearly defined regional focusses.
    Normally, business learners should have only limited time for their language training.
    They may be interested in learning a new language or perform better in an already known one – but this is no necessary motivation für their training.

    Sulim Meléndez

    I think that business students have more specific goals, it is important for them to focus more on learning writing and the appropiate scenarios.
    Each student comes with their their own motivation of wanting to learn the language with a specific objetive, so their time is limited since some wrk and study at the same time.

    Tayla Grenfell

    Business learners are highly motivated to learn a new language as quickly as possible to perform in their job. Possibly they had to open a branch of their business in a foreign country or are supplying a different country with goods and need to make agreements between them. Therefore the ‘stakes’ are very high for them to be able to communicate effectively.
    There time is limited because they have to fit lessons between their working hours unlike a student that can devote all their time to it. They need to grasp the fundamental parts of the language in the quickest amount of time. Their interest languages will be in the main business language such as English , Mandarin and possibly Spanish.

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