Welcome ! Forums One-to-one Demonstration Lesson

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    Fabio Provenzano

    The trainer introduces short sentences and expressions; she has the learner elicit the expressions by asking the learner some questions. Then, the trainer has the learner practice welcoming and greeting the audience in different situations. In this way, the trainer consolidates the expressions and checks the pronunciation of the learner. The learner forms long sentences by using the expressions. The trainer gets the learner to repeat the expressions in order; in this way the learner forms welcome/ introduction speech for a presentation, and the trainer increases the student talking time and consolidates the expressions.

    Mario Schiavelli

    The trainer always keeping the ttt low, introduces a few terms to contextualize the conversation. Then she asks the learner to repeat on the one hand to see if the learner understood the meaning of all the expressions and on the other hand because through repetition we can fix the information in long-term memory (minimum 3 repetitions).

    Claudia Gentile

    The trainer makes sure that the learner not only comes up with new expressions throughout the lesson but also repeats all the expressions already learned from the beginning of the lesson. She does this in order for the learner to reinforce his accuracy and fluency in the target language, and also to make sure he integrates all those expressions already learned with the new ones elicited as it is fundamental for both the trainer and the learner to consider the language lessons as accumulative knowledge that needs to be reinforced and practiced as many times as possible.

    Gulli Mammadova

    To my opinion the trainer repeated the target laguage with learner to memorize the phrases better, also work on pronunciation

    Carla Pereira

    The trainer gets to the learner to repeat several times expressions used at the beginning of the “business” presentation by gradually introducing synonyms and increasing vocabulary, so that he understands and internalizes well the vocabulary and structures studied within that context. I think it is a good way of introducing and reinforcing new structures and vocabulary, since they have been introduced step by step: firstly the “greeting”, then the “welcoming” and finally the “thanking”. In each step, she gets the learner return to the presentation putting everything together in a logical order. In this way the learner memorizes well and gets confidence.

    Andrea Dosio

    the trainer inserts several expressions at the beginning of the presentation and causes the student to repeat them to start a warm-up and get the student engaged quickly. This is a good introduction that allows the student to feel practical to start a dialogue in the right way without too much pressure. This technique encourages the student to dialogue. Afterwards, the lesson continues as a controlled lesson and ensures that the student has a good understanding of the target language.

    Elka Santibañez

    Following the inlingua model, the trainer gradually introduced the topic, in this case, expressions, as a warm up in order to involve the student in a real situation. Used repetition, handled TTT, LTT correctly. Also repetition is a key learning aid because it helps transition a skill from the conscious to the subconscious. Through repetition, a skill is practiced and rehearsed over time and gradually becomes easier. Another important factor in learning is the ability to make connections to previously learned knowledge.
    When the trainer gets the learners to repeat the expressions in order let the student learn other countable and uncountable expressions, little by little gets the student understand the approppriate sequence in a WELCOME PRESENTATION.

    Ludovica Masia

    While talking about presentations, the trainer introduces the new target items step by step, one expression at a time. She manages to elicit the majority of these structures from the learner, using questions and miming. The learner has thus the chance to fully comprehend the meaning of the new items and the context they would fit in, avoiding any confusion and practicing accuracy at the same time. Learner and trainer are able to gradually build a realistic, detailed and logical presentation structure, a structure which the learner is asked to repeat over and over including all the steps he has been going through: in this way, he can exercise his memory and logical thinking skills and keep practicing accuracy and fluency through repetition. It seems to be an effective strategy to help the learner consolidate the new structures and build confidence. In this case, repeating the same expressions in the same order multiple times not only contributes to develop automatic language patterns, but also increases LTT.

    Antonio Alvarado

    El capacitador introduce las expresiones a utilizar para que el alumno realice su presentación. Lo hace para que el alumno las internalice para que pueda memorizarlas y pronunciarlas bien en base a la repetición y práctica constante, para que luego las pueda utilizar y sentirse cómodo y seguro en el uso del idioma.

    Kathryn Campbell

    The trainer introduces a few expressions used at the beginning of the presentation and then gets the learner to repeat them in order so that the learner can see the logical flow of the expressions. The trainer uses short phrases at first to make sure that the learner understands them and can use them appropriately. Then she will ask him a question to see how much he knows and can expand on the sentences. Then she has him go back to the beginning of the presentation and start again. She listens carefully, allowing the learner to speak fluently. Then she will question him, for example, “how else can we say…?” so the learner can think about other vocabulary and if he doesn´t get the word right, then she will tell him the correct way of saying it. After that, she asks him to go back to the beginning again so he can practice all his new vocabulary and speak more fluently with more confidence. Once he has mastered that, she asks him to imagine he is the CEO of the company and how he would welcome people with his presentation. With all the repetition, the learner is reinforcing his new language and will remember it more easily.


    The trainer starts the lesson by introducing the topic and by asking questions to the student in order to elicit target language, instead of feeding it. Doing so, she elicits step by step the various expressions that are usually needed when giving a presentation. This is a very logical way of proceeding, because, instead of giving a piece of paper and asking the student to learn by heart a lot of expression, the learner is encouraged to think himself about different options and structures. Every time the student learns a new expression, the trainer asks him to repeat it and to start again from the beginning, in order to repeat also the other expressions and to try to memorize them all step by step. At the end, having learnt a lot of new expressions, the student is able to give a complete presentation and he is more likely to remember them all for a longer period of time.

    Barry Kennedy

    The teacher introduces short sentences and expressions. She has the learner elicit the expressions by asking the learner some questions. Then, the teacher has the learner practice welcoming and greeting the audience in different various ways. Therefore, the teacher consolidates the expressions and checks the pronunciation of the learner. The learner forms long sentences by using the expressions. The teacher gets the learner to repeat the expressions in order. In this way the learner forms welcome and introduction speech for a presentation, and the teacher increases the student talking time and consolidates the expressions.

    Mobina Shams

    She does so to both reinforce the language and to optimize the entirety of the learner’s learning experience. Since there is only one learner, the one is almost doing the jobs of a few. In a group setting, a few learners would be repeating it and therefore by hearing it, it will be reinforced and the learners will have a deeper learning and longer remembering of the words. However, in this setting of a one-to-one learning, the trainer has the learner repeat the expressions in order for a number of reason: The first one being, the more that the learner says it out loud, hears it, and recalls it in order, the more reinforcement that takes place. Also, putting it all together gives the learner the sense that the entire lesson has a plan and that they are completing a full presentation. By the end, they will feel that they have learnt everything about a presentation. Rather than only learning pieces only, the trainer is also allowing the learner to put the pieces together and create a full presentation. This will also give the learner greater confidence in the material that they have learnt.

    Bettina Gröber

    The trainer performs a method guaranteeing a fluid development of the lesson as well as the student from presentation (eliciting) to practice and (future) presentation. The individual learner is involved to a maximum – which accreases motivation as well as learning success.
    The communication and lesson are held on eye level. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to exploit whether TTT could be reduced even more…

    Tayla Grenfell

    The phrases were given in a logical order according to what someone would say while addressing a crowd. By having the student constantly repeat the phrases in that order it gives a wonderful template for them to follow or adjust whenever they need to address a crowd in the future. The more they practice it the more comfortable they will be with the language which is especially crucial when it is a somewhat pressurising environment to do pubic speaking.

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