Welcome ! Forums How much should classes be related to your learners’ work, using their particular industry, and how much should they be removed from it to give them a break from their routine

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    Lesley Love

    I think it is extremely important to focus on the vocabulary in their particular industry as they can relate to it more and use it in their day to day work. Using other vocabulary could be a deterrent for progression.

    Ali Madankan

    A balance of those can be great; because:
    1. If they are already in the routine and feel the space for a break, throwing them into their work again might not be the best way of learning because they don’t have the capacity for that as they have put lots of energy into their work in the day. That means, giving them information about a new business can be of more benefit.
    2. Even though they have done lots of work during the day, they want to learn English to then be able to use it in their business in the first place. And giving them (language) lessons about their own business is a logical and reasonable action to take.

    With this balance, they both expand their understanding while communicating with people in the same industry and grow their knowledge by learning about new subjects.


    I believe that having work relate to a learners’ work/industry is a very effective teaching technique. Not only do business learners tend to be more interested in gaining linguistic skills within a given sector, but focusing the lesson content on their direct experience will make them feel more comfortable, espcially during production. Having said that, it won’t be possible to focus on the learners’s industry/ work exclusively, as that would greatly restrict the learning process.

    Baptiste Camus

    I’d say that depends on the wish and needs of the learner. Getting better in the language skills will be already beneficial to their work. Maybe some would be eager to understand and get better on some job interactions they might have, some might want to take a break from it and will feel more confortable speaking about holidays and such.

    Baptiste Camus

    It is more formal, more technical. A total understanding of polite forms will be needed for the learner and the instructor will maybe need to do a little bit of research to have at least a small understanding of the industry (an occasion to make vocabulary lists that the learner will be able to use).
    Also some specific kind of interactions like phone calls or business meetings will have a particular importance and will need to be rehearsed through role-playing.

    Sabine Guenther

    For the lowest levels, the class doesn’t need to be related (much) to the learners’ work as it is about general knowledge, structure and grammar. Starting from level B (or even A2), the trainer can already introduce some business-related topics as the learners need to learn specific vocabulary. Moreover, they feel more comfortable in familiar topics and contexts.
    I would say that they need a break from their routine by avoiding totally professional topics as they learn FOR their jobs, moreover learning a language instead of working IS a break from routine.
    I would even say that learning a language in the professional context could even increase the interest for the learners’ job environment.

    Olfa Fourati

    les apprenants en entreprise ont des objectifs bien spécifiques à savoir maitriser la langue cible afin de pouvoir mener une communication avec les fournisseurs, les clients et tous les acteurs qui peuvent de près ou de loin avoir affaires avec leurs entreprises.
    Généralement c’est une population très motivée car ils apprennent la langue cible pour un objectif bien défini. Leurs besoins sont bien spécifiques , c’est pourquoi il faut bien définir ces derniers avec eux avant d’entamer le processus d’apprentissage. Est-ce qu’ils veulent un créneau général ou bien spécifique ?
    En général ils sont aussi très pressés de pouvoir communiquer dans la langue cible, c’est pourquoi des sessions intensives sont souvent demandées.

    Olfa Fourati

    Il est important de faire une étude préalable de leurs besoins car la nature de leur travail et de leur secteur d’activité conditionne le choix du lexique à travailler avec cette population. Ce n’est pas la même chose pour le secteur pétrolier que le secteur bancaire. Toutefois, il faudrait envisager un cadre d’étude assez propice pour leur permettre d’apprendre en échappant de leur routine quotidienne

    Sarra Ayeb

    the class it’s the little and the first atmosphere that the learner will use the target language and got all the skills and mostly speak the language in , so that’s why the class need to be attractive and comfortable to the learner and create friendly atmosphere in class and calm one to let the students active and interested about the language
    the class not need to be a boring class guided by rules and about only study by classic way the class can be a suitable atmosphere lead the learner to got different information and skills by different techniques and method used from the trainer and if feel that something wrong by student or he got bores or tired or not understand well we need to work in our self and try to solve the problem
    the class it’s a good place need to be designed by relaxing things to eyes even the way that teacher seat or how the chairs are Putten it’s a way to let the class good place for learning


    Business learners usually have a specific, career-oriented goal in mind according to the particular industry they are working at. This means, that classes should be related to the learner’s work, especially in case their company pay for the classes. This will affect the learner’s motivation, time and interest as they can relate their improvement and progress to their work success.

    Hichem Gharbi

    English lessons are designed to prepare trainers for communicative situations so they will be equipped with appropriate language to handle in different situations. English class is not a workshop made by their company, it’s an opportunity to acquire a new skill (here language ).


    There are many factors that may influence how much or how little you can focus learning on the learners specific field. We need to impose this intensity depending on the needs of the learner. If the learner requires more in field examples, give the learner a field based example.
    Obviously, there is a vocabulary and grammatical progression that one must follow. One can play it by ear. A learner will let you know what type of lesson they need depending on the questions they elicit or just by letting you know their day was exhausting.

    Mariami Sopromadze

    It all depends on the context and the learners in the class, there will be learners who want to disconnect a bit from the business language area and others who want to reinforce their skills in that context. Although there may be these differences within the class, it is important to maintain a balance and variety (as far as possible in the syllabus) in what is practised within the class.
    As usual, there will be learners who get more tired after work talking about the same topic of work in language classes, and there will be others who do not. For this reason, I think it is important to alternate the content of the class between business language and cultural topics of the countries where the language is spoken, for example.

    Ceren Eteke-Basman

    It depends on the learner’s goals and needs. Business language classes should focus on practical and relevant language and communication skills required for the learner’s specific industry. However, it’s also important to balance the practical and work-related aspects with activities that are more creative or cultural, to provide a mental break from routine and prevent burnout. The balance between practical and non-work-related language learning activities should be customized to each learner’s individual needs, preferences, learning style, and motivation.

    One way to achieve this balance is by incorporating a mix of practical and non-work-related activities in the language classes. For example, the class could include both work-related simulations and opportunities to explore cultural differences and practice language skills in non-work-related contexts.

    John Devine

    This depends on the learner and the level they start having lessons. If the learner is slightly weaker then more time should be spent towards bringing their English up to a sufficient level.
    Once they are capable then the time should be split equally in my opinion.

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